Expression of Interest System Introduced by Saskatchewan for Express Entry
Submitting your application to Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program will now be easier than before.
It is not that you will be required to submit less documents, but you will not have to rush up when the SINP opens up to accept applications.
Starting from July 16th, the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program will move away from its first-come, first-served application model to accept applications in its Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand sub-categories and will adopt an Expression of Interest system.
What this means is that, if you want to be considered for any of the two International Skilled Worker sub-categories than the first step you need to take is create an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile using the online application system “OASIS” of Saskatchewan.
Gone will be the days when you need to be the quickest in order to submit your application when the program opens up occasionally. When the change will be effective, regular draws will be carried out and candidates will be picked up from the pool.
Saskatchewan joins other provinces of Canada who already make use of the EOI system.
Aspiring immigrants should keep in mind that EOI is not considered as an application to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). It is just an expression of your desire to make it known to the concerned authorities that you want to be considered for either the Express Entry or Occupations In-Demand sub-category.
As per the new selection method, online application of a candidate will be assessed to judge their eligibility for any of the two sub-categories as against to their respective selection criteria.
The criteria on which a candidate is judged include education and training, age, language ability, skilled work experience and connections of the candidate to the labor market of Saskatchewan. A candidate is also required to have work experience in any of the In-Demand occupations of Saskatchewan.
The EOI system of SINP will make use of the same point assessment grid that is already in operation for the International Skilled Worker category.
A candidate will be able to enter the EOI pool if he or she is able to obtain a minimum of 60 points out of 100 and is given a rank based on this score. During the draw, that will be held regularly by Saskatchewan, candidates with the highest-rank in the EOI pool will be picked up.
In case more than one candidate obtain the same points than priority will be given to candidates who have connections to Saskatchewan, says SINP. By connections, SINP means, candidates who have a close family relative in the province, and / or have studied in Saskatchewan in the past, and / or can show work experience in the province.
Second preference will be given to those candidates who have highest language score and most work experience. The draws will be carried out every month to start with in the beginning. The frequency of these draws will depend on the application inventory and the number of invitations issued in every draw.